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"when you've got the gospel, the Lord's got you" -Janie Dyment

What is up??
(spent 5 minutes trying to come up with a pun about something being up or down, but I've got nothing good, so we'll move on)

Big list of excitement to share:

Sister Glover and I are stickin together!

Kaya got her temple recommend so we're going to the temple!!!

On Thursday, we went to go by Aaron's house to see if he had read much(or any) of The Book of Mormon we gave his dad. When we pulled up, no one was home, well there were no cars there, but we decided to have faith and prayed that we would talk to someone and would know what to say, and when we got out of the car we discovered that.... someone had pulled up while our eyes were closed! So we went and it was Aaron! He hadn't been able to find the one we gave his dad and then asked for a copy of The Book of Mormon so that he could read it(which was exciting in itself) WE talked to him for a good amount of time and I coasted on that mini answer to a prayer for the rest of the day. I love seeing the little miracles each day. 

Okay, so a few weeks ago, Sister Glover and I decided to pray for specifics on who we should look for so that we could be more effective in our finding. We prayed and waited and of the few things that came to our minds, one of them was someone with the name Scott. We tried to keep an eye out for that, but it fairly quickly faded from our minds as we went throughout the weeks. Fast forward to Saturday night, I couldn't sleep and that experience popped into my head, and I began to wonder if there were Scott's that we'd met and hadn't realized it, or any that we had record of. So I grabbed the phone really quick to see if there were any and I found two! Satisfied, I made a note to look into them and fell asleep fairly quickly. Then, Sunday we were planing and I remembered that I had found these two names so I brought them up and we decided to go by the second. Last night, we drove out to the address that we had(not even sure it was still accurate) and debated whether we should drive up since the gate was closed. We didn't want to allow fear to push us away from someone who might need us and there weren't any 'no trespassing' or 'private property' signs, so we decided to go for it. We drove up to the house, which was very far from the road, and as we approached the door, Sister Glover made the comment that he could kidnap us so easily, but I really felt that we should be there. We ended up talking to Scott for almost 45 minutes about each of us finding our purpose in life and how he's come to know that he is doing whats he's supposed to be doing right now. He shared with us some of his insights regarding the world and how to listen and it was really incredible. He had just pulled out his copy of the Book of Mormon a couple months ago and he told us he believed that we weren't there on his porch by accident. I truly feel that that interaction was something that all 3 of us needed to have and we never would have known that he was there without getting technology because all of these people from 2014 and 2015 showed up once we got technology in April. Very grateful to have met him:) 

Okay, last thing: Wes left, but now hes back.. He told us on Tuesday that he got a job on a commercial fishing boat(kind of out of the blue) and was leaving on Friday. WE were sad, but we bore our testimonies of how this will help him, when he allows it to and encouraged him to take his Book of Mormon with him. We talked to him again on Thursday and reminded him of those things and said deuces basically. Then Saturday afternoon, we get a call from him. Apparently he didn't go! so we met with him and he seemed so much more committed in just a manner of a few days. This is God giving a second chance for him to learn and take action and for us to teach him and share this powerful message with him. He really is looking out for each and every one of his children. 

I love this gospel, and I love this life. Yesterday someone shared a quote about how parents are missionaries to their children, but I think we are all meant to be missionaries to each other. We need to teach, guide, and be an example to all those around us, that's why we are all here together, so that we may lift one another up and one day ascend together. 

I love you all!!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. we visited a farm of horses, chickens, bunnies, ducks, and LLAMAS
p.p.s. why have doormats when you can use one form the car? genius


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