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"Life's greatest secret is the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost"- P. Lew

HI All!!

Happy Fathers Day!

I'm going to try to keep this as clear as possible, but SO MUCH HAPPENED. It feels like its been a month.

mini Miracle first:

I felt useful! me and my scooter have a tendency to take up extra space, which is no fun, but on Tuesday, the elders were going to give a priesthood blessing to one of the other sisters friends and there were no chairs, so I provided my scooter to be sat upon. Blessing! It was cool to be able to help in an unforeseen way.

also, funny story: y'know in movies sometimes when the character is having The WORST Day Ever? and then a car drives past and douses them with muddy street water cause it conveniently just rained? That happened to Sister Wilcox this week, and we laughed and laughed and laughed. Her shoes were SOAKED. It was a good time haha. 

We met Bessy and Brandon this week, it. was. Totally. Wicked! (sad cause I have to wait to see Incredibles 2) They were the first door we knocked on and they invited us in and we taught about the Restoration of the Gospel. They were so invested and are now preparing for baptism in August!! It was a total miracle. Their family all wants to come to church too and they are THE BEST! Then yesterday we went back cause we hadn't been able to get ahold of them. We knocked, knocked, knocked, and no answer, but there were men around the side of the house on the driveway. We tried them, they only spoke Spanish, but with our limited Espanol, we were able to ask for them to get Bessy or Brandon. They came out and Brandon told us that he had read the pamphlet we gave him and had prayed about it! He said it was kind of different, but we were just excited that he'd done it. We watched the 20 minute Restoration Video with them, and when it was over Brandon says "That was beautiful!!" and that it made him feel like God is real and Bessy told us it gave her chills when the light came down. The Spirit was so strong. They both said a prayer during the lesson, and Brandon, in his, asked if Joseph was true :) they want to come to church, and so do their parents and so we're going to pass them off to the Spanish elders soon. And all because Sister Wilcox prayed to find a family and then we went out and found. Blessin's on Blessin's.

The rest of this week was phenomenal, in that I just felt the way I had always imagined a missionary would feel since I was little. Those are the little tender mercies that testify to me that God is real, He is loving, and He knows ME. He's more than just a God, he's our Father. 

All in all, this week was MIRACULOUS. As I was studying this morning, I read Ether 12:16: "Yea, and even all they who wrought miracles wrought them by faith, even those who were before Christ and all those who were after." and then verse 18: "And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God." It was simultaneously a reminder to continue to strengthen and nourish the faith we have and to show the evidence of our faith growing, i.e. the miracles that are wrought among us. 


Sister Shuldberg

p.s. the subject line is a quote from President Lewis that may or may not be a new motto for me. He's so smart :')
1. Scarlet has a cute little nametag too
2. Stroopwaffles!!
3. I fell while hopping and smashed in a shed door..whoops
4. T.J. Barnes, coolest kid on the block. He shouted "YES!" when we asked if he wanted to be baptized 
5. the Mandevilles


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