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"goin' to the temple and we're, gonna get baptized.."

Hi Friends!

Lots and lots happened this week, and it feels like each week I have less and less time to share it! Gah.

We met with one of Juttas friends this week, she called us and said she thought he might be interested. He wasn't very interested after all, at least, not in what we had to share. It was really rough on Jutta having someone she'd known for so long turn around and try to tear her down, but it reminded me of something that Bishop shared with us that had been in a teacher training meeting they had. "We teach by light waves, not by sound waves". It's so true too. We can talk their ear off and flap our jaws all the day long, but its not going to do anyone any good if they aren't open to it and seeking for the Light that Christ can be in our lives. Seek for it y'all, its there.

We went and visited Lelani at the beginning of the week and when we were about to leave, Abby the 6 y/o, asked if we could say a prayer so we all took our seats, as assigned by the 5 y/o Eli. Sister Jensen was directed to guide Abby in her prayer and as she whispered to Abby, the 5, 6, and 7 year-olds all repeated what she said. It made my week. They followed her until she was about to close the prayer and then Lelani jumped in to add something, and I finished it up. It was THE best group prayer that has ever been said. I love the small things that can make an impact and am so grateful for the way my heart has grown here. 

We also did a TON of service this week and were running back and forth like the chickens at Grandpas farm(;)) we no longer have the second car, which was rough, especially cause we had planned the week with a car in mind and it was taken earlier than expected (tear), but life goes on. . . I guess. 

ALSO, we went to the temple with Jutta this weekend!!!! It was phenomenal. The spirit was powerful, and it was such a blessing to be able to attend, especially with people whom I have grown to love so much. (in case y'all are unaware, I LOVE THESE PEOPLE AND THIS PLACE)

So many miracles coming. as we increase our faith and keep our eyes open to see His hand in our lives, we'll find it, I promise.

Much Love!
Sister Shuldberg 

p.s. the subject is referring to the same line Sister Jensen was singing ALL WEEKEND lol, it was great, cause there was a couple in our ward who was sealed that same weekend and she had been singing it that week too, *sigh* love


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