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Week ..4?

Hi Friends!

This is technically finishing up my fourth week, but counting them isn't gonna last very long cause it all blends together sometimes. 

PSA: will anyone who has pictures of us (me with you etc) send them? I didn't bring ANY for fear of homesickness, but now I really want them.
Other PSA: DearElder doesn't work outside the MTC just fyi
Other other PSA: my address for the mission is the following:

Sister Karlee Hansen Shuldberg
Washington Yakima Mission
1006 S 16th Ave
Yakima, WA 98902

Send me stuff! I'll try to write back :)

Soooo..., I'm in the mission field!! Aaahhh, can you believe it! It's actually kinda weird, but I already love it and It's so much better than the MTC, at least for me right now it is. i may miss the MTC later, but theses last 6 days have been good majority of the time. 

buncha things:

-One of the Elders in my MTC district legit laughs like Bob from Monsters v. Aliens and its amazing
-Our last Sunday, I played the piano in sacrament meeting (what a mess lol) and then we(the two departing districts) sang and it was way cool. As we were walking back a couple days before I had been singing "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" and i wanted it to actually apply to me so I changed it and made up a missionary version:

Come hear the Stories of Jesus, We'd love to share
things we might ask him to tell us, had we been there.
Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea.
Listen to Jesus, He says, "Come unto me". 

So we sang the original version, then the first verse of "God Be With You Til We Meet Again", then the missionary version and it was way cool. It tells the stories of us as missionaries as we learn about Jesus, say goodbye and go teach others. and I loved how it turned out. 
-Tori Black, angel that she is, sent me Krispy Kreme! They were amazing, THANK YOU SO MUCH. My district Elders appreciated them too lol. It was actually perfect though, cause I had just been lamenting about how I wanted a donut, but all the donuts they serve at the MTC are kinda huge, and then I go to pick up my package and there are the perfect sized donuts just waiting for me. 
-Mason sent me a letter and I was GIDDY, (hint hint, anyone else wanna give me that much excitement? do it ) thanks Mase! Everyone was totally jealous of all the mail I got and that my 15 yr old brother sent me some :-)
-The ladies who work in the mission home made this AMAZING apple Cake the other night and I highly recommend going on the mission blog and finding the recipe and devouring it, not actually sure what the URL is though, so TBA
-I was hardcore Craving some Lori Fifield sugar cookie bars the other day, wanna send me the recipe?

Couple more missionary like things:

I absolutely love how what you can get out of the scriptures is directly affected by whats happening in your life cause it's on your mind and its way cool to see the variety of connections you can make. I highly encourage everyone to sit down and really study each and every verse just in 1 Nephi 1. just that much of it has so much gold.
MARGARET CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY. so Margaret is one of our investigators. She was on date for baptism but wasn't keeping all of the commandments/hadn't met with the missionaries to learn them in the first place so that had to be postponed, but we went though a program with her and shes working it to quit smoking marijuana and shes coming to church again and shes doing so well! It's way exciting. we're hoping to get her back on date this week, !!
Anne, one of the less actives in our ward, gets to meet with Bishop in a week to talk about finally going to the temple! and the missionaries who teach recent converts get to go to the temple with them for their first time, so the Sisters may get to go with her. 
Speaking of our ward, I am in the Terrace Heights 1st ward with Sister Zollinger. she's incredible. she actually finished her training the day she became my trainer, she been out in the field like three month is all. We're really bonding, AND we're the same size so we can share clothes. :D the building the TH1 ward meets in is EXACTLY the same layout as the Geneva building but its TINY, like the chapel is maybe half the size. Our ward is wonderful, the members are so welcoming and SO willing to help with missionary work or to just feed us, and everything is amazingly delicious. We've already gotten pumpkin chocolate chip cookies twice and I hope they never stop. I keep telling Sister Zollinger that we can get back into shape come spring. 

Ummm, @ the StC ward, I saw Elder Bergman! that was cool, he's exactly the same goofiness, but everyone I met that hears we know each other starts gushing about how great a missionary he is and how he's their best friend, and you can tell just by looking at him that being a missionary lights up his life, so there's an outside perspective for those of you who get his emails, the Washington Yakima Mission really is the best haha.

I figured out how to get my pictures to work! what? yeah. 
1. Sister Zollinger and I 
2. Just arriving in Yakima 
3. I saw Ali! like day 2 of the MTC (excuse the red face, that was an emotional hug)
4.Gorgeous flowers to document before the state freezes over
6. My NAMETAG(with the first day dot)
7. MTC view
8. Hermana Peterson
9. Sisters Cannell, Hatch, and Richmond
10. We got to go to the temple <3

p.s. other pictures might be on my mission blog cause Sister Lewis took a crap ton and Mom has access to some of that
p.p.s We get to go to the temple tomorrow!! so pumped
p.p.p.s. Sorry I'm a scatterbrained spaz, I love you all, and Moroni 8:3

also, don't worry friends, the next email will be more cohesive and Imma be sure to have at least one good actual story, just you wait :) k bye!
Much Love!


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