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Kind of a walking area...

Hi friends!

So I don't actually know how to condense everything that I want to share into a feasible email, so just a disclaimer: I totally don't expect you to read all of this. It's a heck of a lot of information.

SOO... We got to go to the temple on Tuesday! As a mission we get to go once every six months, usually in October and April. Our zone all went together to the Columbia River temple, which is way tiny, but it was so wonderful. After a crazy week of so much new and nothing familiar, the temple was way nice to get to recuperate a little. 

Wednesday was really chill. We got to brush horses which I loved. they are so calm, at least the ones Sue lets us brush, and it's nice to do something that doesn't require a whole lot of thinking. Sue, the owner of the ranch we went to is so loving and she's kinda hilarious too. She calls us her missionaries or her sisters and says a prayer with us every time we come. 

Thursday.. we got Margaret back on date for baptism!! She's set for the 21 of November, which is her birthday, quite the birthday gift. It was way exciting but on Sunday at church she told us that she was moving to Tennessee to live with her sister, which is good cause right now she's living with her boyfriend and needs to move out, but it's not good cause that messes with the plan for baptism and shes takes sometime to open up to people so having new missionaries and a new ward might set her back. BUT, then we talked to her on the phone and she said that she was gonna go to Tennessee for a week and decide if she wants to stay there or if she wants to come back here. I'm kinda torn because I want her to be able to get a fresh start after everything that she's been through, but I want to still get to see her and to go to her baptism and all that jazzy stuff. the best part is, that no matter what happens or where she goes, she know the gospel is true and wants so badly to follow Christ, so we're not too worried about that. :) then that night, we went to a potential investigators house and tried to have a lesson with them, but anytime we tried to answer a question or even form a sentence, they'd cut us off and they got super contradictory and if it was super unsettling and so we left feeling super inadequate and drained of everything. Not. fun. but it's okay,  not everyone does that and most days are really good.
ALSO, I got a Greenie package! Mama sent me a box of a bunch of green things and it was way cool. green snacks and green tissue paper and green band-aids and green play-doh. Yup play-doh. 

Next thing to share was that on Saturday, the power went out, so we thought, hey, no one will be watching tv so let's go tracting! it was a great time. I kinda love tracting, for now at least. 
We did a lot of walking this week, we're short on miles 'cause we traded cars with some elders and they have bigger area so they'd already driven 100 more miles than us, but we have to go with the miles that are on the log in the car we have, so we basically got gyped(gipped? sp?) all those miles. but the walking has been kinda fun, except at 8 at night, on a road with no sidewalk, it can get kinda sketchy so we have pepper spray and a flashlight and shoes we can run in haha. What a time to be a missionary. Our legs are gonna be SO toned lol. just you wait. 

On Sunday, Sister Zollinger and I taught Gospel Principles which was.. fun. we teach everyday but we were so nervous for that. It went really well. and Anne meets with the Bishop next Sunday to get her recommend to go to the temple and we get to go with her! ahh yay. 

Last thing, I think, being a missionary seriously rocks. we are so well fed, like dessert every night, super nice meals, well-fed. and everything is so good too! that may be partially because I f we feed ourselves its like tomato soup and peanut butter sandwiches, so yeah lol. We get free stuff all the time and members give us things. Sister Miller in our ward gave us these gift bags yesterday with gloves, mugs, and hot cocoa just for cause. It's so great! And the other day we were at Kim and Marie's visiting them(trying to get Kim to read the Book of Mormon and come to church) and we were telling them how the whole mission thing works with money and how we have a car and an apartment etcetera and he was RAVING. asking how he could be a missionary and all that, saying he'd quit smoking and never drink and all that if all he had to do was talk about Jesus lol. The second we told him he'd have to cut his hair though, the deal was off. lol. We meet so many wonderful people and I love it. 

Finally, lol, never done. Just a scripture duo I want to share. Moses 1:39 "For behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Combine that with D&C 93:36 "the glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth." His work and his glory is to have us return to live with Him forever. The way we can help make that happen is by continually seeking after light and truth, in other words, increasing our knowledge of  Jesus Christ. I highly encourage you all to do so, it's a wonderful blessing to have that light in your life. 

Much Love!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. loved hearing from so many of you! it makes my day to see so many bolded names when I open up my email on Monday. :) 
p.p.s. there was definitely something else I wanted to add, but i slipped my mind, guess you just get a longer email next week! lucky you! love y'all!


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