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"unicorns and caticorns and mermicorns" -Laila

Hello world!

Quick rundown of our week(cause time is hecka limited)

So, we didn't go ANYWHERE Monday through Friday(except when the RS president cam e and took us to go grocery shopping). Why? Our car was dead as a doornail AND the snow was much too much. But, we talked to lots of people through technology(blessed) and Sister Walker made her first snowman AND went sledding for the first time(we had to trek down to the mailbox to mail a letter). 

We had virtual district council again, which was fun and even did a virtual roleplay, very weird. 

The Zone Leaders sent us a song on Thursday cause I was havin a cabin fever freakout (thumbs up) it was sweet, and it motivated our FB post, spreadin the love. 

On Saturday, we experienced FREEDOM anew. The world is beautiful, especially through a car window driving away from our home-turned-prison. It was a glorious day and we went up to Goldendale that evening for Steve's baptism! Those of you who are dedicated fans may remember Steve from back in September/October. For any newbies out there Sister Glover and I met Steve tracting in Goldendale and taught him until we were sent elsewhere. He was baptized and asked me to speak at his baptism which was a total blessing. In fact, it was an utter miracle that we even got to go with all the snow and wetness. He is so great :) I got a little teary-eyed during my talk and after he said "that was pretty cool how you got emotional" lol, you're welcome that my face leaks a lot. 

Lacey and Laila are a mom and daughter we are teaching and they are planning to get baptized on March 23rd. We had a lesson with them this morning and told Laila that next Sunday is my last Sunday and she got kinda sad (my heart) and asked if I would still come visit and make cookies with her when I'm done. Shes the cutest, goofiest 8-year-old and she loves unicorns and slime. 

Yesterday was my last Sunday attending the White Salmon ward and Brother Bischoff(from Goldendale) was there as the high council speaker so he called me up to bear my testimony. I talked about you Carson ;) how you ALWAYS bear your testimony, and how I've become that way since my mission. Testimonies are a blessing, cherish them, share them. I'm grateful for mine. 

One more week everyone!! Here's to the best week yet!
Love ya! Make good choices!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. Stay tuned for pictures and the funniest videos you've ever seen


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