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Timehop: "One year ago today.."

Y'know how Facebook asks if you want to see memories from one year go or five years ago etc? well, as of Thursday, all my 'one years ago's will include a missionary name tag. Can you believe it? You'd think a year would be more noticeable, but I'm still chatty and loud and scatter brained and quirky(don't think 12 years could take some of that outta me), but I read this talk and it was very fitting to the week: "Several years ago I met one of our sons in the mission field in a distant part of the world. He had been there for a year. His first question was this: "Dad, what can I do to grow spiritually? I have tried so hard to grow spiritually and I just haven't made any progress." That was his perception: to me it was otherwise. I could hardly believe the growth that he had gained in just one year. He "knew it not" for it had come as growth, not as a startling experience."

Pretty cool huh? yes, I know. 

Our week was full of invitations to church and mini miracles that showed how important it is for all of us to be in tune with the Spirit. A couple of times, we went by someone and caught them at just the right time, or something had just happened and we arrived. I love being an instrument in the Lord's Hands. 

Big Miracle! Kaya AND Jaeden are going to the Temple with the youth on Saturday, and because Kaya is going(it's her first time)..... WE GET TO GO TOO! Holla. 

Stay tuned for a week of miracles next week, it's gonna be so good :)

Love y'all lots!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. these pictures need explanations
1. Sister Glover saw an excessive amount of plums on someones tree, so we left this note on their door.
2. The next day, he called, so we picked some of their plums
3&4. Brother Wagner had just gotten home from fishing when we arrived for dinner, so he taught us how to gut a fish
5. put our quilting skillz to work at a RS activity
6. its finally fall *heart eyes*
7. "she sent me HOME" -Sister Glover when her mom sent some fruit from their trees.


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