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"So, you're nuuunnnsss......???"

​​Hi Friends! (funny story at the end, so bear with me)

We carved pumpkins last Pday, super fun. Sister Zollinger did the Logan temple. look up a picture of the Logan Temple to see how good she did, it's way impressive.

We had exchanges on Wednesday!!! my first exchange! I was sooo nervous, but it actually went really well, a lot better than I thought it would at least. Sister Zollinger went with sister McCourt to a different area and Sister Banks came to Terrace heights and I had to take over Terrace Heights, cause Sister Banks didn't know where anything was or who our people are. I was terrified. Plus, pretty much everything I know about being a missionary has to do with Sister Zollinger in some way, shape, of form, so doing all of this with someone different was highly stressful. I t was good preparation for transfers, because as much as I hate to say it, there will come a time when Sister Zollinger and I are no longer companion.. *gasp* I know, I know, scary. Exchanges actually gave me a lot more confidence in myself as a missionary and gave me a little insight into what it'll be like when transfers eventually happen. This transfer actually ends on Nov 22, but we're hoping we'll be together for a second transfer, because President usually tries to have the same trainer for the entire first 12 weeks. *insert crossed fingers emoji* It's interesting how I can have known a person for all of 4 weeks and be planning a road trip with them for 2019. you learn to love a lot quicker. 

We have a couple new investigators! Joseph, I might have mentioned him last week, but we had our first lesson with him last Monday night. His wife, and two kids are all members and he's finally decided that he wants to learn more. We had an amazing discussion with him and they were all involved too.  It makes an incredible difference in an investigators experience when they have more than just the missionaries to turn to. just because this is my life all day everyday, doesn't mean we're the only resource for those who are learning. Members are a big help, it helps them to see how the gospel can really fit into their life (since they won't be living like missionaries do, we're a little weirder than most Mormons haha) and it helps them to get excited about things that they can be a part of and see that even though conversion is an individual thing, they are also becoming a part of a family of sorts and they are loved. My favorite part of the whole thing from my own perspective wasn't anything anyone said, but what I experienced. I've read in the scriptures of the Spirit restraining and constraining people (telling them not to do something vs telling them to do something) and I never felt like I knew what they both felt like, but during the lesson I just had a continual train of thought going as part of the conversation made me think of this or of that and I actually noticed a feeling of "yeah, share that scripture/thought/experience" and "no, you don't need to say that or read that". that clear direction was way cool for me to experience. I know it was only because I really was looking for the direction of the spirit that I was able to recognize it. i encourage you all to do the same. The Spirit speaks quietly and we won't feel it unless our hearts are open to it's direction. Listen, and be patient, and it will come when you need guidance or an answer. 
Ana is our other new investigator and she is GOLDEN. We got a call from Temple Square about an online Book of Mormon request in our area, so we were gonna drop one off and the Temple Square sisters were going to teach her and see how interested she was and if she was willing to keep commitments and then they'd let us know. Before we could take the book of Mormon to her, we got another call saying she's coming to church tomorrow and she wants to be baptized on Nov 18! uh...okay. We've had a couple times where people called us to teach and we didn't have to find them at all. I have a firm belief that is because we've been trying to be super obedient especially this last week. So Ana came to church, stayed all 3 hours and even bore her testimony in Sacrament meeting!  How cool is that? she's super sweet and I already wanna be her best friend. <3 All in all, THeights is doing swell, we're just trying to keep up.

Okay, I know, I ramble, but I just want you all to be able to know all the wonderful people I get to spend so much time with! UGH, so many blessings being a missionary. 
So funny story, Angela, one of the less actives we visit, just got two 6-week old puppies and they are PRECIOUS, but I was holding one and he left my lap for and as I reached for him, he POOPED ON MY COAT! yeah! so I stared in shock for maybe 2 seconds then turned to tell Sister Zollinger and the puppy walked to the other side of my coat and PEED all down the arm! what the heck? and then, best part of all, it snowed for the first time the next day and I was not about to wear that garment, so i wore a jacket and froze. thank you puppy. Never gonna trust him again. there you go, laugh it up. ugh. what a mess. 

anywho, that's been my week! there's so much more I wanted to share and this email is still way long, hope y'all like novels! <3
Much Love , sister Shuldberg

p.s. anyone heard of the game Cookie Cop? we used to play it all the time when we were little, but I haven't met anyone outside my family who knows what it is??? 
p.p.s. I don't think I ever added my address like I said I would: 1006 S 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
​​p.p.p.s. the subject line is because that's what Ana's daughter said to us when we introduced ourselves as Sister so-and-so


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