She's 5 foot 7. She's 96 K of pure hilarity. She's bold and bears powerful testimony. Introducing... my new companion, Pedal to the Metal, Speed Racer, Sister Walker!!!! (we're having a ton of fun together)
I don't really know how to describe/react to the last week. It was kinda nuts trying to get everything in order to both leave an area(and we had a third sister with us cause Sister Goings companion went home and her new companion wasn't here yet). Then arriving in Stevenson/White Salmon was nuts times a million because our entire area involves 23 small towns(we counted) and we just ran out of miles yesterday (lol *crying*). Nah, we good.
On Thursday, after getting lost and turned around twenty times on Wednesday, we made our way, mostly late, to Hawks Ridge, where we played bean bag toss with some elderly women there (LOVE) I'll be sure to get a picture this Thursday. We have been meeting a ton of wonderful people(who knew you could find such gems in the wilderness?) and we had an amazing lesson with McKenzie. she's 9 and she is so sweet and so smart! We were trying to conserve our miles and so we parked and walked around the area then got back to the car and drove up the hill to her house where we knocked on an empty house until her brother came out to tell us we were knocking on the wrong door lol. She is amazing though and she so badly wants to know if the Book of Mormon is true, she's excited to get an answer from God, and she's a little jealous that God appeared to Joseph Smith haha.
I probably lost some of my mind in the trees and snow, but I've been filled with gratitude this week. I love being a missionary. I love the people I've worked with, and the Sisters I've served with. And a week ago, I didn't feel ready to go home, but if you asked me today, I would say, I'm gonna make the most of my 5 weeks, because I feel that the Lord is preparing me every day for what is next and I'm supposed to end my time here in this beautiful Columbia Gorge. Thank goodness too cause I don't need the stress of not being ready. I'm excited for what's coming(over the next 5 weeks and beyond).
Love ya!
Sister Shuldberg
p.s. I started My Plan this week..(its like a reverse MTC to prepare you for going home AAAHHH) dying is stressful..
p.p.s. did y'all know that when you cross a stateline, Google Maps says "Welcome to (insert state here)"? I thought it was great :)

I don't really know how to describe/react to the last week. It was kinda nuts trying to get everything in order to both leave an area(and we had a third sister with us cause Sister Goings companion went home and her new companion wasn't here yet). Then arriving in Stevenson/White Salmon was nuts times a million because our entire area involves 23 small towns(we counted) and we just ran out of miles yesterday (lol *crying*). Nah, we good.
On Thursday, after getting lost and turned around twenty times on Wednesday, we made our way, mostly late, to Hawks Ridge, where we played bean bag toss with some elderly women there (LOVE) I'll be sure to get a picture this Thursday. We have been meeting a ton of wonderful people(who knew you could find such gems in the wilderness?) and we had an amazing lesson with McKenzie. she's 9 and she is so sweet and so smart! We were trying to conserve our miles and so we parked and walked around the area then got back to the car and drove up the hill to her house where we knocked on an empty house until her brother came out to tell us we were knocking on the wrong door lol. She is amazing though and she so badly wants to know if the Book of Mormon is true, she's excited to get an answer from God, and she's a little jealous that God appeared to Joseph Smith haha.
I probably lost some of my mind in the trees and snow, but I've been filled with gratitude this week. I love being a missionary. I love the people I've worked with, and the Sisters I've served with. And a week ago, I didn't feel ready to go home, but if you asked me today, I would say, I'm gonna make the most of my 5 weeks, because I feel that the Lord is preparing me every day for what is next and I'm supposed to end my time here in this beautiful Columbia Gorge. Thank goodness too cause I don't need the stress of not being ready. I'm excited for what's coming(over the next 5 weeks and beyond).
Love ya!
Sister Shuldberg
p.s. I started My Plan this week..(its like a reverse MTC to prepare you for going home AAAHHH) dying is stressful..
p.p.s. did y'all know that when you cross a stateline, Google Maps says "Welcome to (insert state here)"? I thought it was great :)

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