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Week 2


So this email is prolly gonna be just as harebrained as the last one 'cause I'm still working out the kinks of timing and putting my thoughts in order.

So, this is my last Pday in the MTC.. we leave at 230AM next Tuesday, I don't know what that'll mean for emails but there will be another eventually, no worries.

Couple things, actually a bunch of things:

1: Sister Cannell drinks chocolate milk WITH ICE. I know weird, but I've decided to be the bigger person and look past it(that's a joke, I love her, it's hard not being able to put a little bit of sarcasm in my emails)

2: Anyone and everyone, please feel free to write/email me, I love hearing about like anything right now haha

3: Role playing is a total blessing, Sister Cannell is pretty shy and it's really helped her come out of her shell a bunch plus it helps to keep me from rambling like I do.

4: Speaking of my rambling, we watched this Elder Holland talk about opening your mouth and he said "Measure your mission by how much you talk" and I thought, well then I'm definitely good, I can't shut up. But it is so true. If you just open your mouth, the Spirit will put words in that are an answer to someones question, even your own. I was talking and just trying to think out loud and I said something that totally reminded me of why I'm here and I hadn't actually thought about it that way before. 

5: I saw Emily Johnson and we ate dinner together and it was great. I was hanging on her every word, seriously write me about anything.

6: I saw Braden Israelsen just totally out of the blue too! I also keep seeing people that I recognize but don't remember their name or that looks familiar but then actually aren't, it's crazy weird here.

7: I've been saying y'all a lot more 'cause saying "guys" instead of Elders and Sisters isn't acceptable, but "y'all" is! So I'm embracing it

8: Conference was AMAZING. I got so many answers and I hope you all did too! If you didn't get to watch, or don't know what it is I highly recommend going on

8: I got a package from my Mom, I was grinning the whole time until I could go pick it up and it was a nice little piece from home, to even see her handwriting was great honestly.

9: Story that I forgot to tell last week: I brought an extra bottle of dry scalp shampoo cause utah is the driest it feels like and it opened on the flight and got all over EVERYTHING cause the ziploc bag didn't stay sealed so my quilt was all gross and bad-smelling and these wonderful sisters going to Romania offered to wash it for me cause I was crying in the bathroom trying to clean up the mess, they are wonderful people and I'm gonna miss them so when we leave next week. 

10: the temple is a blessing and I've seen so many others since arriving here, it's way cool to be able to see Heavenly Fathers hand in literally everything, buut it can be a bit overwhelming too sometimes. 

I'm learning so much here. I'm learning to love it and to have God's love for his children is so cool.

Not much time left, working on that whole management thing..

Much Love, Sister Shuldberg


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