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"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late." -Brother Baugh

*clears throat* I want to formally apologize for the lack of details and stories in my emails recently, I have slacked, and I solemnly promise to be better. 

We have had such a busy week! Trio, Transfers, teaching and trying not to freeze in the SNOW(love).

Sister Shepherd went home last week, so we went with her and Sister Hatch to the mission home Monday afternoon and then became a trio! which was odd, and super fun! As said trio, we got gas(see pic) wrote in transfer journals, and taught some amazing lessons: one was with the Luke family-the 8 and 10 yr old boys were baptized on September 1(#bestdayever) and so we've been meeting with them semi-regularly and they are so excitable and slightly crazy haha. AS we left, Sophie couldn't stop giggling lol. But the sweetest thing happened like two days later. Caden(8 y/o) hadn't been there when we went over and he was sad that Sister McKnight was leaving, so we went back just so he could tell her bye. Then yesterday during fast and testimony meeting, in his testimony over the pulpit, Cameron equated her coming back to when Jesus Christ appeared to Mary after his Resurrection. I loved it, he's a sweet kid. 

We also saw Christina and Lacey again. They are seriously wonderful, but it's difficult to see them holding themselves back from being blessed beyond belief. Luckily, their hearts are softening. I think that's what life really is: a massive heart softening, because only soft hearts can feel and share the love of Christ. 

and then... Sister Tenney arrived! and we spent our evening being fed by every person we visited with.. ironic because when we picked Sister Tenney up, there was no room for dinner in our schedule.. Tender mercies y'all. 

We got to help out and the stake activity. It was a nativity display and Christmas program called The Perfect Gift.. the program was phenomenal and the nativities incredible too! There were lots of faves, but I had to document this one cause I've never seen a moose one before haha 

Friday we went to a baptism in Wenatchee for a girl Sister Tenney taught... and I wasn't thrilled about going cause it meant we would miss the ward activity that people were bringing their friends to.:/ BUT It turned out really well, and I know that we both needed to be there. there was a lot of heart-softening that occurred within me that night. :)

All in all, it was a learning week. lots of opportunity to learn from others and to learn about myself. Sister Tenney said something today that rang true. the worst of you comes out on your mission, but its good cause the mission is the best place to become better. I'm working on it :)

Love you all!! 
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. is this a more satisfactory email mom? it seems more me ;)


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