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"Are you eating the Bible I gave you?!?" -Ally to baby sister Emma

Hello one and all! 

Jersey came to church yesterday! :) She is a girl we met a couple weeks ago after reaching out to the missionaries who were here last year and they'd mentioned her parents. When we met her, she asked if we could come read the Bible with her because "I need church". Of course, we agreed. She came for choir practice beforehand and stayed the whole time. Her first Sunday, she was there for over 4 hours, and she loved every bit of it :) and they loved her :) 

We also got to do some community-lighting this week! If you aren't friends with me on Facebook.. shame on you, but it's okay, I will share. Selah has a couple places around that have apples with the word Selah in them(probably because Washington apples, and because Treetop is located here) so we went in to City Hall Tuesday morning and asked the mayor if she would be okay with us adding something to the one just outside the building, she said yes :) She also asked me to tell the man walking up the front steps that he couldn't park on the sidewalk, so, in front of most of City Hall at that point, I did so, and they all laughed, one woman gave me a hug, lol. It was quite the way to start our day. also for Selah, we went around and put candy canes on peoples windshields, and posted a BOMB video made by the Selah residents, Dallin Godfrey, and kind of us.. we just held the camera up. If you haven't seen it, go check it out, I posted it on Facebook. It was so much fun to make and share. we also served at the Trees, helped Sister Turner decorate her tree, and spent approx. 2 1/2 hours cleaning a horse tail.. he has dysentery :( poor guy. And sorry, that one went undocumented.

I've had some really sacred learning moments this week. Approx. 7 months ago, I made a long term goal to work on one Christlike attribute fro PMG each month until I go home, I was doing well until December and I totally forgot about it, but when I was reminded, it was the perfect timing. This month is humility and, boy, have I needed it, but it's been cool to exercise my faith in trusting that I will have opportunities to gain it and to see that it's not a cross to bear. Humility doesn't mean you always bite your tongue and let people walk all over you. It doesn't mean you're the follower or always wrong. It's a change within mostly. It's something that can't be outwardly documented very easily. It's motivations, and attitude, and integrity, honesty, and sincerity. It's prioritizing and trusting and worrying less and less about what you think others should do/be and more about what you know God wants you to do/become. More than anything, it's a process. A process that I have undertaken, with a lot of trust that it'll turn out well :)

There is so much more I wish I could share. Like everything about that super fantastic outstanding Christmas gathering on Saturday, or the way I'm seeing people change, but it's hard to explain when you can't feel it :) one day, I'll be more articulate.

until then, I love you!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. for clarification, presents under the tree, voodoo donuts (LOVE), Elder Russell playing the bag pipes, we got crockpots since we won't be eating dinner with members every night anymore, everyone a the gathering, a partial zone picture with Baby Jesus, etc.


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