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Who's ready to #LighttheWorld!?!?!

What's crackalackin?

I'll tell you what,...
I got my trunky call this week :( Basically that is when the office missionaries call you because you have 3 months left on your mission and they have to get info for flight plans.. :( I cried; I didn't expect it to come this fast or to be this sad. 

On a happy note, Brad and Amanda are my fave people. We had an amazing lesson with them on Tuesday. We taught Brad about the gospel being restored through Joseph Smith and Amanda pretty much taught like 1/2 of it. She explained to him what the priesthood is and described the First Vision so well. We were so proud :) It has been amazing to see their growth in just the last few weeks and to hear them talk about the changes God has wrought in their lives and how excited they are for more changes. Brad got kind of emotional during our lesson as we talked about why he feels being baptized will be a blessing for him and his family. He talked about Sister McKnight and I and the impact we've had and how we are out here doing the Lords work and he started tearing up! It reminded me how people see us and renewed even more my desire to be the example I'm here to be. 

We spent Thanksgiving with the Packards. Like all of the Packards. Pretty sure there were 40-something people there, so we just faded into the background. Because there were so many people, Sister Packard put out seating assignments... I am Sister Richmond. Since come to Selah, I have also been called Sister Zollinger and Sister Fleming by people who I knew when I was in Terrace Heights, so now Sister McKnight trades off what she calls me each day. The identity crisis is real. But the day was fun, we ate and talked and house-hopped and got to do some service in the morning setting up the Thanksgiving dinner at a temporary homeless shelter and pass out hygiene kits. Basically we just visited. It was as much a receiving service as it was giving for us. :)

We helped Christina and Lacey put up Christmas lights in their front yard, which I loved cause we don't really have the means to decorate our own place. It made it feel like Christmas is upon us. 

Okay, who is excited for Light the World?? I know I am. Its going to be so much fun and you all should jump in with both feet! Go to and watch the videos and read the calendars and brainstorm ideas for ways to give as Christ gave. I know service lifts a weary heart. Anytime either of us were having a tough moment, we'd go find a way to forget about ourselves and things felt better. Super simple things too. At the end of Thanksgiving Day, we went to the church for something and I saw a man carrying garbage out to the dumpster and jumped out to help him toss them in. Just that much made a world of a difference. Go out in the world, find someone to serve. 

All the Love,
Sister Shuldberg

Quote of the week:
"Following someones footsteps can only come once you've found your own feet"


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