Hello hello!
We've had a difficult time finding this week, but there were moments throughout the entire week where we were reminded that God is aware of us and exactly where we are. In one instance, we'd had little luck with the people we had planned in that day, and as we pulled out of the parking lot, Sister McKnight suggested that we drive by the Spirit and knock a random door. So we did, each time she suggested I turn was a moment when I had felt we needed to turn the same way she'd suggested. When we stopped, we got out of the car to talk to a pair of men walking before going to knock on the door. One of the men was an Israeli man who had just talked with missionaries in Yakima and had taken a Book of Mormon and was planning to read it! He was so cool and so excited to see us. He then proceeded to talk us up to the man he was walking with and they invited us to come walk with them and talk with them this coming week! Totally random and totally inspired. The Israeli man even told us that we had made his day. :)
For Halloween, we are all supposed to be in our apartments at 6, but we got special permission to stay out to go to the ward Trunk-or-Treat and it was so much fun! There were two girls from our ward dressed up as Sister Missionaries, and a girl and boy from 2nd ward who both dressed up as Elders. Amanda and her girls came and Brad(her fiance) brought his son too! It was so awesome to see them and for me to be able to meet so many members. Then, the Iversons brought us a pizza because they knew we had to be in early. (also three days later they brought us donuts for breakfast.. so good)
The next day, we had an appointment with our car.. and I left the apartment key on the ring with the fob, so we got a ride back to our apartment but had to sit outside for approx. 2 hours until a different ride picked us up to take us to do service, which we ended up doing in our skirts cause we couldn't get in to change our clothes. Mom, you'll be happy to know that we can't card our door and we tried to get in through the windows, but that didn't work either. All is well thought, its back and we are good. BUT then on Sunday, our car battery died lol and we had to find someone with jumper cables to be our knight in shining armor. In the process of figuring that out, I saw Brother and Sister Jenkins from Terrace Heights!!!
Peace out!!
Sister Shuldberg
p.s. JOSEPH IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY in case you didn't get the subject line lol
We've had a difficult time finding this week, but there were moments throughout the entire week where we were reminded that God is aware of us and exactly where we are. In one instance, we'd had little luck with the people we had planned in that day, and as we pulled out of the parking lot, Sister McKnight suggested that we drive by the Spirit and knock a random door. So we did, each time she suggested I turn was a moment when I had felt we needed to turn the same way she'd suggested. When we stopped, we got out of the car to talk to a pair of men walking before going to knock on the door. One of the men was an Israeli man who had just talked with missionaries in Yakima and had taken a Book of Mormon and was planning to read it! He was so cool and so excited to see us. He then proceeded to talk us up to the man he was walking with and they invited us to come walk with them and talk with them this coming week! Totally random and totally inspired. The Israeli man even told us that we had made his day. :)
For Halloween, we are all supposed to be in our apartments at 6, but we got special permission to stay out to go to the ward Trunk-or-Treat and it was so much fun! There were two girls from our ward dressed up as Sister Missionaries, and a girl and boy from 2nd ward who both dressed up as Elders. Amanda and her girls came and Brad(her fiance) brought his son too! It was so awesome to see them and for me to be able to meet so many members. Then, the Iversons brought us a pizza because they knew we had to be in early. (also three days later they brought us donuts for breakfast.. so good)
The next day, we had an appointment with our car.. and I left the apartment key on the ring with the fob, so we got a ride back to our apartment but had to sit outside for approx. 2 hours until a different ride picked us up to take us to do service, which we ended up doing in our skirts cause we couldn't get in to change our clothes. Mom, you'll be happy to know that we can't card our door and we tried to get in through the windows, but that didn't work either. All is well thought, its back and we are good. BUT then on Sunday, our car battery died lol and we had to find someone with jumper cables to be our knight in shining armor. In the process of figuring that out, I saw Brother and Sister Jenkins from Terrace Heights!!!
Peace out!!
Sister Shuldberg
p.s. JOSEPH IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY in case you didn't get the subject line lol
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