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"This does not say bible study facilitator"

Hey friends!

Pretty simple week for us here in Goldendale, WA. Just a few highlights to share:

We got a factory tour of TLC with Kirstin on Monday and finally found out what this company is and how modular homes even work, it was very cool, now I want one lol, and we know almost everyone there so that was fun:) We had to wear hard hats and safety goggles during the tour cause they're building houses around us, which called for a picture 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to Carson! πŸ’₯πŸ“£πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ†He's officially a teenager.. sorry mom :/ good luck

We decided to walk on Thursday, cause it was really nice outside and there were people everywhere and we wanted to talk to them, so we dropped the car and set off on foot. On our way down the street, Sister Glover saw someone sitting at a picnic table across the street, so we turned around to cross so we could talk with her. It was definitely part of the reason we needed to walk that day. She had just gotten out of jail and was waiting for her mom to come get her, and she still had at least an hour to wait. She seemed so stressed and down(which makes sense, I can imagine jail would be stressful,) but we just wanted to help her so much. We talked with her about her life and family and basically whatever and then got around to "yeah, we're missionaries, we share a message" and talked with her a little bit about what we do and her interactions with missionaries in the past. We offered her a Book of Mormon and suggested she use the hour that she had to read some of it. She thanked us for coming to just talk to her and for being kind and the conversation seemed to end, but as I had handed her the Book of Mormon, I thought, now, if I give someone else a Book of Mormon, it'll have to be the one with Carson's testimony in it and I wasn't okay with that, I wanted Kate to have it, so I asked her if I could trade her and gave her Carson's book, she was so grateful, and bud, I know your testimony will help her. :)

We walked more on Saturday and Sunday and it made me miss being in Ephrata where we walked regularly. On Saturday, we walked right up to Glenda, who was standing there like she was expecting us haha, maybe she was, I think she was the reason we needed to walk that afternoon and the reason we felt to park our car where we did. Crazy how God directs every little thing so we can be where He wants us. 

So the other day, we got a referral from some Elders in The Dalles whose mom's cousin's aunt and uncle are in our ward but don't attend church much. They gave us the mom's cousin's number so we could talk to her more about it and we called, and found out that that number is the number for some randoms guys phone app that he uses"when I don't want people to trace my number"... uh.. okay?

This week I've been thinking a lot about how I can be more in tune with God's Spirit and its been cool cause that's something that people we're meeting with wonder too, so I'm able to step into their shoes, and hopefully, I'll find something to share with them, but on Sunday as I was pondering this during sacrament meeting, I thought about whether I do things just to do them, or if my heart is in it as well? Then I heard this quote: "Are we active in the gospel, or are we merely busy in the church?" And I think this applies to more than just church activity. Are we truly invested in the things we're doing, or are we just playing the part? How can we change to be sure that we play an active role in our own lives? It is, after all, your life. The decisions you make are entirely up to you and the relationships you strengthen will either help you or hurt you. What are you doing for your relationship with Christ?

Just some food for thought,

I love you all,
Sister Shuldberg


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