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"There's nobody 'cooler' than Sister Missionaries. Pops"

Hey, Hey, Hey!!

We met some amazing people this week. People who have a sincere deep-seated desire to learn more and who trust that we are representatives from God to share with them the truth. Yesterday, we met with a man named Rusty in a members home and it absolutely strengthened my testimony of member missionary work and how much more of a solid foundation that can give to someone looking to learn more. Brother Golding has been talking with Rusty for the last few weeks about his beliefs and sharing with him bits and pieces that he felt prompted to talk about. He then invited Rusty to his home and invited us as well. He basically did half of the How to Begin Teaching points from Preach My Gospel and then turned the time over to us. He had another of Rusty's coworkers there who is also a member and it was a wonderful experience to be a part of.  Essentially, I am so very impressed with his initiative, with the example that he is to the people he works with and to our ward, and, our Bishop has recently put a greater emphasis on helping the members do missionary work, so I'm grateful they have someone who is actively seeking to do it in the ward. And Rusty is amazing! We asked him why he agreed to meet with us, and he said over and over that he wants to learn!  very excited :)

We helped out at the 104th birthday party of Pauline Clayton this week. Sister Wagner told us to be sure to put in our journals that that night "we went back to the 1950s" lol it was a grand ol' time and we had lots of fun being able to be a part of it and get to know the ward more casually. People are so fun! Watching those elderly couples dance to the big band music warmed ma heart.

We helped at a soup kitchen the other day and they sent us home with the leftover cake that we had served, but we didn't want to eat it all.. so we smashed it! and rolled it into balls and covered them in chocolate and sprinkles, and took them to a member :) we dropped and ran while the dogs barked. Haha good times. It's been a good week :)
I made an exciting discovery (not new to the world, but new to me) this week as I studied how Jesus Christ demonstrated Charity throughout his ministry. In 1 Nephi 19:9, it reads "And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men." I realized that sometimes I feel as though I am judges to be a thing of naught and I have a desire to prove myself to the world, but Jesus Christ in his charity and love and compassion for the people, suffered all things, so why should I try to prove myself? He could have shown them who he is and His immense power, but there was no need, he was humble and trusting in God. That's something I've decided to try to emulate better: not proving myself to others, but trusting God. Trust His plan friends, its made especially for you.

Much Love!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. the subject line refers to a note that was left in a cooler that MY FATHER dropped at my apartment this week. Yes I was very surprised, but all is well :) and the snacks were very welcome Thanks Pops

1. Sister Glover and I at the 104th birthday party of a woman in our ward.. she didn't attend but we celebrated her life for her :)
2. how far home is from where we ate lunch last Monday
3. With Kaya, 12 year old who just got baptized <3
4. what mi Padre dropped off.. crazy


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