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Hello All!!

Hello All!!

okay, so about 3 or 4 times every transfer, we meet for District Council and we talk about the people we are meeting with and how we can help them, we learn from each other and share insights from our studies. This last District Council, we were setting some goals as a district(because missionaries like goals) and it was awesome. The spirit was very strong and I think that was the best goal setting I have ever been a part of, the most inspired and the most reflective as well. We really got into how we can improve and reach our goals this next month and it really hit me personally of what things I need to sacrifice in order to be prepared to receive miracles in this area. It showed me too how much of a reality it is that the Lord of the harvest sends us miracles. No amount of work that we do will ever result in someone entering the waters of baptism without His say so. I reflected, and realized that every person that taught who ended up getting baptized was literally handed to us wrapped with a bow on a silver platter. But when they were, we were working our hardest to do all we needed to. Very good things to be reminded of. 

We taught Wes the 15 step program this week, very exciting. I've taught it a couple of times, but I have never felt more confidence in someone to be able to quit smoking than I have in him. 

DARIEN GOT BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!! And I got to video call in to watch. The baptism was wonderful, I'm so grateful we have technology so that I could be a part of it from all the way down in Goldendale. We watched it with Nancy, and she really enjoyed it. I think she felt the reminder that she needs to be baptized, and she wants to, but it was cool for the Spirit to remind her instead of us. 

I love you lots!!
Sister Shuldberg 

p.s. a random guy while we were tracting told me my eyes change color and because of that I was "on his mind now" *shudder* not down
p.p.s. we went to the fair and had donuts and I found my initials in a brand and Carsons!
p.p.p.s lots of wild turkeys around here y'all


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