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We're the ukeladies!

*takes deep breath*

Okay so there is a lot to talk about from this week and like 15 minutes to type this out because I am not good at time management and no I haven't learned that on my mission yet, obviously, thank goodness I still have like 7 1/2 months to go so I can learn how to fix that flaw lol. Any way, major events from the week:
Zone Conference was superb! We drove up to Wenatchee for it and it was like an hour drive each way and so we ended up driving 109 miles that day, which is A LOT for us, but its cool it was totally worth it. Sister Jackman talked about earnestly building connections to Heaven(and specifically with each member of the Godhead, which I thought was super cool) we've been able to use that concept over the last couple of days as we've taught and because of the idea that attending church is what builds your connection with the Holy Ghost, WALLS CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!!!! I literally teared up and could not stop beaming. When Sister Jensen and I first brought up church, he said "that's not going to happen" and when he met with missionaries before us, he never went to church once in 4 months. but he came!! and he loved it!! and he wants to come again!! 

also, another cool thing, we had a FB video chat lesson with Devyn and it was so good, we just read the Book of Mormon with him, but it was cool to see him understand it and to hear his thought s on it. We shared Moroni 7:13 with him about all good things coming form God and he was like "woah, that's trippy" lol. BEST PART: the next day, he messaged us on FB all excited saying that he got his sign from God that the Book of Mormon is true and Sister Wilcox and I legit started screaming in the car. he was so excited and at the same time it was great for us to see how it solidified his commitment to work towards baptism. He knows that this is going to change his life.  

Finally, Peg, cutest lady on this side of the Columbia ;) just warms my heart with all she does and says. She has been so aware of the little changes in her life since reading the Book of Mormon and coming to church. yesterday we talked about Temples at church and she got kinda emotional because she wants to be with Frank for eternity, she picked August 15th for her baptism date because its exactly 6 months after he passed. there was so much love in those 44 years.

*takes breath*
Alrighty! nothing more to add, that I can think of, but hit me up when I get home and there will be plenty of things I never shared, so much good happens in just one week and I love this life 

I love you all!
Sister Shuldberg

1. This is Brindle, Ana's new puppy. He tried to eat us during our lesson
2. Check out that tan line! I've been cleared to ease off the brace, and now it looks like I'm wearing a white one..
3. this is Mister Pig, whom we met tracting yesterday. He is a pet pig, house trained just like a cat, has his own room, and he LOVES apricots (we fed him some :))
4. we had a FB video chat lesson with Devyn, and it needed documentation, cause it still feels weird to teach that way. 


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