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Showing posts from June, 2018

Catholic Mormons, Book of Mormon fans, and 240 lbs later, still moving

Okay, all the funny stories first: Last Monday, we were having a lesson with TJ. He's 9 and is SO EXCITED to be baptized. It's seriously the cutest thing how much he already loves the Book of Mormon and the answers that he is getting. But in our lesson, his 7 year old brother Trenton likes to take over if he can, so we asked him if he reads the Book of Mormon and TJ goes, "uh, he's not a Book of Mormon fan" lol. and Later, Trenton started talking about his imaginary friends to which TJ says "Trenton, you're too old to have imaginary friends." haha those kids are the coolest kids on the block for sure.  We met a woman while tracting who told us that she's a Catholic Mormon because of her mom/son and going to church with the both of them lol. she's hilarious, and we're going to read the Book of Mormon with her :) Wednesday, our AC broke and our apartment was SOO hot and muggy, so we all slept outside on the balcony and in the wee hour...

"Life's greatest secret is the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost"- P. Lew

HI All!! Happy Fathers Day! I'm going to try to keep this as clear as possible, but SO MUCH HAPPENED. It feels like its been a month. mini Miracle first: I felt useful! me and my scooter have a tendency to take up extra space, which is no fun, but on Tuesday, the elders were going to give a priesthood blessing to one of the other sisters friends and there were no chairs, so I provided my scooter to be sat upon. Blessing! It was cool to be able to help in an unforeseen way. also, funny story: y'know in movies sometimes when the character is having The WORST Day Ever? and then a car drives past and douses them with muddy street water cause it conveniently just rained? That happened to Sister Wilcox this week, and we laughed and laughed and laughed. Her shoes were SOAKED. It was a good time haha.  We met Bessy and Brandon this week, it. was. Totally. Wicked! (sad cause I have to wait to see Incredibles 2) They were the first door we knocked on and they invited us in an...

"Have a fantastic forever!"

Hi All!! What to share..what to share.. We'll start with a mini miracle that was sent to me. On Wednesday, we were ending our day by trying by someone the missionaries before us used to meet with, whose daughter is friends with Scarlet. We got out of the car and saw a man walking his dog, so we casually chatted a little and he said he'd found a four-leaf clover! Naturally intrigued, I hopped over to see and he offered it to me, saying it would give me good luck for my ankle. Best part: I waved good bye and wished him a good night, and he wished me a "fantastic forever". Heart=warmed.  Okay, so we met with walls this week, and he's  bit of a "crumbum" in his words, not mine lol, but in his prayer that he said he said that he was grateful we were there to "pound something" into his "stupid head". It was kind of great. We watched Joaquin Costa's talk "To the Friends and Investigators of the Church" and it was amazing....

"She believes in Christ, I believe in Thor" -some man we met tracting

Hey Hey! Lots to share! bear with me... So, Tuesday, we as a group decided to enter into a contract to eat better, exercise more consistently, etc. I drew it up and we signed it Wednesday night. Its nuts, but its kind of fun too, the problem is a lot of the exercise parts I am currently unable to participate in :( On Thursday, we had the SICKEST NIGHT EVER. As part of the contract, we have to drink at least 3 bottles of water each day and we were doing really well, but Thursday is a walking day for us, which makes it difficult to always have a place to use the restroom when needed. At this point in the evening, we were DYING. But we sucked it up and knocked on the door where we had an appointment, but Gilbert wasn't home :( very frustrating, but we decided to knock the doors around his house and then go find a member to beg for access to their facilities. the next door neighbor opened the door, asked if we were the Mormons and invited us right in! she told us that we had come...