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"you're gonna get sun cancer!!"

Hello All!!

Another week gone, another 3 hours added to how much sleep I'll need when I'm home lol. 

Few updates:

-we learned/observed how to fix a sprinkler system, so I know what my career will be! #startingourowncompany
-we learned to play shuffleboard
-Sister Wilcox is teaching me how to play the Ukelele(what what!) will send something when I have gained actual abilities.
-ahaha, also, at church yesterday, Dillon(who is 13) came in during the sacrament and sat next to us for approximately 13 seconds then stood, and walked to the front and across to fist bump his friend William and then promptly sat down with Williams family, in front of the entire ward lol, it was hard not to laugh. 
-I learned this week that even if we don't seem to be fulfilling our purpose with others, if we're coming unto Christ, we've had success. 

On Saturday, we didn't have any set appointments, they'd fallen through. We visited quite a few potential investigators and set up some appointments for the following week and it felt fairly productive. For dinner, we were invited to our Bishops home for a BBQ with 3 other families form the ward, two of which were newly moved in families. We were very excited and planned accordingly for our dinner message. We went and were able to build some stronger member relationships and talked to some of their kids about missionary opportunities that they were having or could have. we shared our message and the Spirit was so strong, and it ended really well. Then we ended the day with tracting and although we didn't get to do much lesson teaching, we bore our testimonies throughout the day, and we'd brought the Spirit into many peoples days even for just a moment. As I wrote in my journal Saturday night, I felt like I was achieving my purpose. I felt closer to Christ than I had in the last few weeks, maybe more. It was a miracle for me to see and feel the results of simple acts like those that can bring the Light of the Gospel more fully into the world. 

In regards to the subject line, Sister Wilcox basically couldn't speak yesterday and said perfect, quotable, one-liners, ALL DAY. So I laughed a lot all day :)

Sorry there isn't more, there's always so much more to share, but NO time

I love you ALL!
Sister Shuldberg

The pictures include meeting Kiki, the sassiest 6 year old on the planet.. haha she cut roses off her moms bushes to give to us, Sister Wilcox using a water balloon as a stress ball and popping it on herself while we were telling someone about the Book of Mormon, a BEAUTIFUL sunset(mom you would die), and my nut of a companion when its too hot to have your hair down. not necessarily in that order..


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