Hi Friends!
So, I have news... I'm leaving Terrace Heights :( Gotta say goodbye to Sister Fleming and the place that is, to be honest, more home than Salem. Well, I know how to get around better here haha. BUT I'm going to a place called Ephrata. I know nothing about it except that there's a Walmart and "if you sneeze, you'll miss it" according to Angela. I'll be with Sister Jensen, and have no info about her either, so stay tuned for next week :)
We saw miracle after miracle this week, thank goodness, 'cause I hadn't felt like much was coming from #FeedtheFifty, especially after hearing others' stories. My favorite was something that happened Tuesday. I loved it because it took time to culminate into a miracle, and it showed how the Lord really is directing each and every instance, more easily if we choose to heed the promptings of the Spirit. So, that morning we went, like usual, to the church for exercise. A man showed up to do some sort of maintenance, so we left and decided that we still wanted to run, so we'd just run outside(in the freezing cold). We ran up through the neighborhood next to the church and just randomly(so we thought) zigzagged down the streets. Later we both mentioned to each other that while we'd been running we'd thought that we should tract up there, so we did! and our LAST house was a man who had previously read the Book of Mormon(at least some of it) and told us there was nothing in it that he didn't agree with. We were floored, and soaring at the same time. And all because some man came to work on the church early in the morning. Thank goodness for him.
We got to go to a baptism in Goldendale on Saturday! It was incredible. If we'd stayed on the freeway a little longer, I probably could've gotten us to the my parents house haha.
Adam, my nephew, sent me his Flat Stanley this week to take around, he is an honorary missionary and everyone has loved him. :)
So much else happened, but I have 12 tons of other things to do before I'm transferred... farewell!
Much Love
Sister Shuldberg

So, I have news... I'm leaving Terrace Heights :( Gotta say goodbye to Sister Fleming and the place that is, to be honest, more home than Salem. Well, I know how to get around better here haha. BUT I'm going to a place called Ephrata. I know nothing about it except that there's a Walmart and "if you sneeze, you'll miss it" according to Angela. I'll be with Sister Jensen, and have no info about her either, so stay tuned for next week :)
We saw miracle after miracle this week, thank goodness, 'cause I hadn't felt like much was coming from #FeedtheFifty, especially after hearing others' stories. My favorite was something that happened Tuesday. I loved it because it took time to culminate into a miracle, and it showed how the Lord really is directing each and every instance, more easily if we choose to heed the promptings of the Spirit. So, that morning we went, like usual, to the church for exercise. A man showed up to do some sort of maintenance, so we left and decided that we still wanted to run, so we'd just run outside(in the freezing cold). We ran up through the neighborhood next to the church and just randomly(so we thought) zigzagged down the streets. Later we both mentioned to each other that while we'd been running we'd thought that we should tract up there, so we did! and our LAST house was a man who had previously read the Book of Mormon(at least some of it) and told us there was nothing in it that he didn't agree with. We were floored, and soaring at the same time. And all because some man came to work on the church early in the morning. Thank goodness for him.
We got to go to a baptism in Goldendale on Saturday! It was incredible. If we'd stayed on the freeway a little longer, I probably could've gotten us to the my parents house haha.
Adam, my nephew, sent me his Flat Stanley this week to take around, he is an honorary missionary and everyone has loved him. :)
So much else happened, but I have 12 tons of other things to do before I'm transferred... farewell!
Much Love
Sister Shuldberg
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