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Merry Christmas!

Hi Friends!

Merry Christmas!
I hope all y'all's Christmas went well. It was wonderful getting to spend some fun time with our zone (we had a big breakfast and watched The Prince of Egypt..SO GOOD) and even more so getting to talk to my family. They were way excited(I was too lol) and it felt really good. I was super nervous about it in the days leading up to it because I didn't want it to make me miss home more of distract me, but it was perfect. It was almost like a booster and now I feel better than I have all week. I think I was worrying myself sick about it, so it was almost good to just get it over with. I love them, and I miss them, but I'm here now and that's good too. I was floored at how they've changed in just 3 months, kinda scared to see the change come Mother's Day lol.

The biggest thing for this week was that we had the chance to attend the temple with Ana!! She was baptized and confirmed for her Mom and she told us that she knew her mom was there. She also decided that she's going to get married there, which we encouraged, as long as it's when we can both attend :)

Sister Zollinger and I are getting a little antsy to hear about transfers. We try to speculate, but I know there's no use. I just take comfort knowing that I now have a friend for life. I'm excited to see how our relationship changes when we are no longer companions, because it's sometimes very easy to get frustrated with her when I am with her 24/7. It's turning out to be kind of a good thing, because it's teaching me a little bit of patience and how to love more than anything else. It's actually been really cool to see how focusing on love and others makes me so much more simply happy. It's like my resting mood is more positive, and its a great feeling.

This week has been a lot of learning for me. I was quite humbled actually, by the studying I did in Luke and 3 Nephi all about Christ as well as a some talks that Sister Zollinger and I read together. We have been asked time and time again to leave all and follow Him. But leaving all does not mean you sit there and think about all you've given up and sacrificed. It doesn't mean you do so grudgingly. you give yourself to Him and then nothing that was left behind takes priority over whatever it is that He wants you to do. Because your primary desire is not do His will, and everything else can come later.This week, take a second to see how you are putting something else before Him, and make a plan to change that. I promise your joy will be more full and you'll have the desire to make even more changes to be more like Him. Love you all!

Much Love!
Sister Shuldberg


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