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3 months.. shoot!

SO MUCH HAPPENED FRIENDS. I'll try to condense it the best I can, but it will most definitely sound like I've lost my mind :) fun , huh?

We had our Christmas Gathering for all the Southern Zones on Tuesday. It was loads of fun. We got so much food, heard the departing missionaries testimonies (yes, I cried), and watched "Freetown". I highly recommend it, it was fantastic, but it's super stressful for those of us who get very invested. It's about the missionaries in Liberia during the war and all the miracles that occurred to keep them safe. Best line? Phillip Abubakar: "it just doesn't make sense to doubt anymore". How many miracles have we all seen? And do we still doubt? Why? Really changed my perspective and helped strengthen my faith this week. 

We finally got to see Anne again this week! It's been a while what with her job and the holidays and her avoiding us. she started smoking again and we didn't know how to help. BUT, she quit her job and things are coming together and we got to see her twice this last week. We read Stanley G. Ellis' talk from October entitled "Do We trust Him? Hard Is Good". and it was crazy powerful. It's something Anne's been talking about a lot, trusting God and we're hoping that she'll start to trust him more and do the things He asks of her. 

We also got back in with Jeremy FINALLY. And, maybe even better, we got a new investigator. Her name is Julie Cho and and she is super adorable. She just went out of town to visit her family for the holidays, but she's probably going to come to church when she's back and we're super excited. When we met her, we were talking about the Book of Mormon and the prophet and she goes "is the prophet nice?". That was her most important question haha, we made sure to tell her all about how nice he is :) 

ANA GOT HER TEMPLE RECOMMEND and we're going to do baptisms on Wednesday. It's crazy how fast she's moving, but she's thrilled to get to go and I'm excited to see her experience it for the first time. Plus, it feels like its been forever since I've participated in baptisms. We're pumped, we're bragging to all the other missionaries that we get to go to the temple this week. 

Sad thing: Bryan, Angela, and Matt asked us to stop coming over :/. They had no valid reason and last time we went over they totally avoided us. It didn't make any sense, especially with how this last week has gone, but we aren't going to go against their wishes. My heart broke when we found out, cause I've grown to love them so much and don't understand why their doing this. I can only hope that something down the line will change and someone else will be around to help them. 

I love being a missionary, and I love Terrace Heights and I love this gospel, it has changed people before my eyes and I feel like the Grinch with how much my heart has grown :)

Much Love,
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. our Relief Society used us as their Secret Service Project and gave us so many gifts and each a full stocking and our coffee table is overflowing with all of it. don't worry Mom, Christmas will be grand haha

p.p.s. I fell backward in my chair and shattered the bottom of our mirror with my head so that was fun haha. don't laugh too hard


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