HI Friends!
So, no I'm not calling you all girls, ANA WAS BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY! and Sister Zollinger and I spent like 20 minutes trying to imitate how she says "girls" cause she's from the Dominican Republic and it sounds great. That's the way she always greets us :) Love her.
Her baptism was absolutely wonderful. the Spirit was so strong and we were all crying, and grinning and ahhh it was so powerful.
Some weird things have happened this week. Tuesday at 12:30AM I woke up and started planning for the day, I woke Sister Zollinger and was so urgent about getting it done until she was like "WE'LL PLAN AT 6:30 WHEN WE USUALLY PLAN". yup. Guess I'm Just too excited about all things missionary. whoops.
Margaret is moved out!! Her new apartment isn't in our area, so we have to give her to another set of missionaries :(, but now she can be baptized!! whoo and we can still go to it, holla.
Thanksgiving was grand. We went to a homeless shelter called Camp Hope and kinda mingled until they needed our help putting out food for their meal. A 6 yr old we met, Divinity, helped us color pictures and she drew Princess Ariel at her 8th birthday party("'cause that's when she can get baptized) and drew sister Zollinger there, but drew me outside in the cold getting eaten by a monster..ouch. It's cool. she also tried to climb me like a tree. It was an interesting morning. We also got to go to Brookdale and paint nails again. those ladies are so wonderful, I'll take a picture before I leave Terrace heights, promise. Dinner was crazy. We ate first at 3 with a bunch of the medical students and their families at the church and foolishly filled our plates and then we went to the Edwards and foolishly filled ourselves pre-dessert. I'm new at this lol. The Edwards daughter Grace absolutely LOVES missionaries so she took our name tags and taught us a lesson about John the Baptist and how Jesus asked John the Baptist to baptize him and "John the Baptist said why and Jesus said" and her dad told her what he said and she repeats it and basically, it was awesome. then she goes"Jesus was baptized and then God said 'this is my beloved son'" it was precious and I loved it. Children are so insightful, I wish we could take them on lessons with us 'cause it would make such a difference.
LIGHT THE WORLD IS STARTING. everyone go to mormon.org and watch the main video and then the daily videos starting December 1. They are amazing videos and it's something that we should all be a part of to make the world brighter. It's way cool to use #lighttheworld on doorsteps because even if people didn't want to talk to Mormons(oohh, scary) they'll talk about Christ and how he set an example of service and we can follow that example and set off the domino effect to make the world bright. It works and service is a wonderful way to open people's hearts. I love service. Plus, it's better than knocking on doors all day long lol.
ANGELA AND BRYAN CAME TO CHURCH! finally. turns out, all it took was bribing Angela with a red felt tip pen. Who knew? we woulda bought a pack of red pens weeks ago. sheesh. But they came and it was like you could see them softening, the Spirit is amazing. they set a date to be married during sacrament meeting and asked Sister Zollinger and I to be her bridesmaids... in 8 years. so, i'm pretty sure I can squeeze it in.
I've learned so much already and it's amazing how answers to your prayers can come through so much. thoughts just come to mind that give me a new perspective and I feel so much peace and comfort. Heavenly Father LOVES us all so much and so much joy comes from that knowledge and what it motivates you to do. <3
Much Love,
Sister Shuldberg
p.s. I love members so much, just hearing from a member that I'm doing well makes such a difference. and hearing how missionaries have blessed lives is a major motivator for me. Basically, my life rocks haha
p.p.s. we got to play Laser tag with some kids in our ward, it was a blast.
p.p.p.s. the tall man on the far left is Scott who started everything with Ana, he was the one who told her that her Heavenly Father loves her and he's the reason she requested a book of Mormon online, the reason we were referred to her. he started it, so don't be afraid to open your mouth.
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