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Hi Friends!

So today marks two months since I left home ( a little longer if you go by weeks instead of the date). Can you believe it? I know, I know you all miss me so much, it feels like it's been years, haha. I can't believe its been 2 whole months. I mean there have been plenty of days where it felt like it had been like 9, and we tell people so often that we do this for 18 months so it feels like I still have 18 months left instead of like 15 1/2 ish. 

Aannywho, new train of thought:

@ Mom THANK YOU for giving Lexi my email! I saw her name and got super excited! :)

Fun, embarrassing story for you all:

Sister Zollinger and I were tracting on this semi sketchy road and we went into a trailer park to finish the hour and there was this one door that had a normal handle but the window was the same that screens doors have, so, because we'd been knocking alot of houses that had screen doors, I went to open it so I could knock on the inside door. there was a red blanket or something that looked to me like a red door so I was completely innocent, but I opened the door of some random family's trailer and sister Zollinger slammed it shut and almost fell off the porch laughing. It really wasn't that funny, but she's sharing it with her entire cosmos of contacts. :)

We went to another baptism this week, nope, still not one of my investigators, but Sister Zollinger taught her a few lessons before she moved to Ellensburg, so we got to go and it was way cool. I wish every one of our investigators would go to a baptism with us, the Spirit is so strong and clear.

So the Saturday before transfers(clarification every 6 weeks is what's called transfers and missionaries get switched or moved etc, and its on a Wednesday for us). Any who, the Saturday before transfers, we get transfer calls where we find out who in our Zone is going where or what else could be happening. We also get a call about anyone who got leadership positions or no longer has one. And if you get a leadership position, you get a call during the day, the other calls come at like 9:30 at night. all week, we've been worrying and wondering, cause Sister Zollinger has been in this area for 3 transfers now and it's usually 2 or 3 and never super long in your first area, and this is her first area, so it was super likely that she'd leave except she's my trainer and they like to have the same companion do all 12 weeks at the beginning of a greenie's(new missionary) mission. Make sense? 
Anyway, we got a missed call from President on Saturday around like 11 after we raked a bunch of leaves and we were freaking out, but he didn't answer when we called him back. He called us back and I'm like over here having a mini heart attack wondering who got what leadership position. Get this, he tells us that he ACCIDENTALLY called us! of all the days! But, blessings, because he accidentally called us, we were able to find out early that we both get to stay in Terrace Heights for the holidays! whooo! Super excited. the best part was we had members and investigators calling/texting us to find out if we were leaving. we are so loved, and it makes me wanna spend the entirety of my mission here, but I won't. 

In other news, we had stake conference this weekend, and Bryan and Matt finally came! it was partially cause we kind of showed up and made them, but they really enjoyed it, so it's fine haha. Things are finally progressing for those three and its a relief. 

ANA IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY, so I'll just wait and talk all about her next week :)

So during stake conference yesterday, someone read 3 Nephi 11:7 and the surrounding verses. Man, I love that chapter. It made me think, how would I like to have Heavenly Father say that regarding me? "Behold my beloved [daughter], in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name-- hear ye [her]". Am I living in the way that He would announce that? Has His name been glorified in me? in my actions? Maybe not like I could be, but I testify that the way is there. If we turn to Him and ask, and if we study the scriptures to come to know them both better, we can live more like a child of our Heavenly Father should. piece by piece, little by little, we'll become better with Christ by our side. I'm working on it, every day, will you?

I love you all!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. Sister Zollinger makes fun of the way I say "clothes" cause apparently I emphasize the "th" sound? I dunno.
p.p.s. those are bullet holes in the white car, that was where we tracted yesterday, no biggie

p.p.p.s. I made pockets for my dress! AHHH I love them :D 

alrighty, bye


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