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"I will go, I will do, the things THE LORD COMMANDS!!"

Hi Friends!

   So Mission time is so totally warped. The days feel super long and the weeks seem to go by quick-ish, but come Pday I feel like I have no memory of anything that happened that week. And every day ends in a similar way so I have no way of knowing what day it is. Basically my perception of time passing no longer works. It's cool. 
   We had a Trunk-or-Treat on Wednesday and there was this family all dressed up as Harry Potter characters (Carson, you woulda LOVED it) I took a picture but it's kinda blurry. the mom was Professor Trelawny(sp?), the dad was Professor Snape, and then they had Hermione, Harry, Ron, and their little girl was Dobby. 

   Margaret is doing super well. We still don't know if she's moving out or no, so that's concerning, especially as we get closer o her baptismal date, but she's super diligent and is being a member missionary before she is even a member. She reads the Book of Mormon to her mom and is trying to get her boyfriend's four daughters and her aunt to both come to church with her. On Sunday, she was walking with us and we stopped in the hallway and she was just like "I'll be in the classroom, girls" she doesn't even need us anymore cause she's comfortable at church and she's opening up to the members so much and it's incredible to watch. Margaret is so impressive too. She has such a strong desire to keep the commandments and to help others keep them too. When we taught her about the Law of chastity, she went and told her boyfriend all about it and asked us for bible verses to show him and everything, she seriously called him out on it and has changed everything about her life to be more in line with the will of Heavenly Father. I want to be more like her.  
   Speaking of Sunday.. we had our primary program yesterday and it was way great. I love the Primary programs, but this one will always be remembered. Little Rocky Albright, who's maybe 4 was SUPER into some of the songs. He was right on the front row and during Nephi's Courage he would sing kind of until the part that goes "the things the Lord commands" and right there he would SHOUT. He did the same with "Choose the Right" later on. The best part was every time he did so, he would grin at his parents and give them a thumbs up like "I got this". Sister Zollinger and I were dying in the back, and I'm sure other people were too. He kept doing it so much and annoying the little girl next to him that during the last song, she covered his mouth while they sang and I thought Sister Zollinger was going to hurt herself she laughed so hard. That actually happens a lot cause we laugh a lot. 
   Okay, funny story (I know I share a lot of those and I promise we do actually work). we were tracting and met this guy named Eric and we were talking about the scriptures and if he reads the Bible and he said that his mom does, but he doesn't really cause it's confusing and his brother used to explain it to him, but he's not here to do that anymore, so he doesn't it's over the phone, cause he's in prison. and then Sister Zollinger says "oh, that's cool!" and laughs kinda awkwardly. Apparently she didn't hear him say that his brother is in prison.. I dunno, I could barely wait til we walked away to bust out laughing. 
   We have a lot of fun, and laughing at the things that happen helps us not to get discouraged. Cause some of the things aren't really that great, but we gotta keep going. Plus occasionally we get free things like retro sunglasses, so yeah we're livin' the life.
   Really cool thing, at least for me is how when you focus on other people, whether it's in our actions, in our prayers, or in your scripture study like I've been working on, things are just better. My day feels more focused, and I find comfort and guidance no matter what it is I'm studying. President Hinckley's dad was right, you gotta forget yourself. and it feels kinda good. 

Much Love!
Sister Shuldberg

p.s. everyone go read 1 Corinthians 13. It's important to remember, especially with this holiday season, that even if we're doing everything right, if we don't have the right motivation, if we don't do it out of pure love, as the scriptures say "It profiteth [us] nothing". without Charity, we are nothing, no matter the so called strengths we have, no matter the gifts we've been given or the gifts we've received. If we want to be more like Christ, we must be driven by the same motivation: Love. It's why He did everything that He did. He Loves You. 
p.p.s. I do too! :) Moroni 8:3

PSA: this in no way means I expect you all to send me a package, it's just a catch-all. Now, that being said, I would not be upset to receive one, and would likely mention it in my journal so you could be glorified for as long as said notebook lasts. Food for thought. :)

Dear family and friends of our missionaries:

Once again we approach Christmas time in the mission.  Last year we had over 600 packages come through our office and don’t expect it to be any different this year.

As in year’s past we are asking you send all of your Christmas packages to your missionaries by November 30th.  They will be hand delivered to one of two gatherings that will be held in December.  Please send everything to the mission office and use any method you wish to get it here including FedEx or UPS.  But it must arrive here by November 30th.

Please do not ship these packages directly to your missionary.  There is a transfer on November 21st and a mid-transfer on December 19th so we don’t want to deal with packages getting sent to the wrong place.  Also do not send perishable items that will spoil if they can’t immediately be delivered.  Cookies will be fine but no fruit or other produce.

Please mark your boxes with “Hold” on it so I know it is for Christmas.

Thank you for your help in this.  We will do our best to accommodate you but please honor NOVEMBER 30TH.

We love your missionary,

Elder Call

Recorder and head Elf


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