Hi Friends! So, we just found out we're getting smartphones in April, so that's weird, I currently have an LG flip phone, quite the difference. We're all still deciding how we feel about it, there's pros and cons to everything, but it'll be good :) It's been a good week. I'm learning more and more to judge the quality of my week by effort instead of perceived success. I want to be able to end every day by saying "I gave my all, I did everything I could, and put my heart and soul into it.". There's contentment in knowing its out of my hands. Doesn't sound like me does it? Yeah, it's weirding me out a little bit. In other news, related to the subject line, we delivered some milk the other day. Lelani is a less active member we've been trying to see, and we reached out to her on Saturday to invite her to a ward activity and found out she has the measles.. yeah. So we were like, uh, let us know if there's anything we can do f...